When Imaginears Club started, there were no servers dedicated to Theme Parks anywhere in the world. So, we were 1st in theme parks and 1st to recreate Disney. This is not bragging, it is just reality. At the time, Minecraft was in its infancy and mostly played by adults. Case in point: I was an Admin on the Reddit Servers which had a strict 18 and up policy. It was the very first large server in Minecraft and the most frequented. Therefore, the silliness that “MINECRAFT IS A GAME FOR KIDS” is just … well, silly! — and not based on any factual evidence.
Fast-forward to 2015. Now, the game is hugely popular with ALL age groups, not just the adults who started playing it in the beginning. It is a game for ALL AGES. Families play together, all the time. There is no set age for a Minecraft user, either. It runs from the 90’s to toddlers.
In the many years playing, creating and expanding the game I have seen numerous servers come and go. Many of those happily inspired directly by us. I seriously could not be more proud.
To get a better idea as to how popular Minecraft Theme Parks are, I decided to compile a very small list of servers dedicated to Theme Parks. (Keep in mind: this list may contain servers that are not safe for families.)
That list is only a fraction of what is out there. (Add to that our Partner servers.) I could keep going and that list would go to the bottom of this page, easily. The point is that we are proud that the heritage continues and that this game is exceeding its original boundaries. Each server has unique offerings for their Guests. Each one of them also helps to create new and unique content.
We at Imaginears Club have never had an issue with other servers. In fact, we celebrate the diversity of our community. We’re proud to have had a small part in creating this genre.
Our goal, with our server, is to offer children and families a safe place to play, free from trolls, swearing and personal information sharing. A haven from the rest of the gaming world where bad language and worse attitudes seem to be prevalent. We believe that children deserve somewhere they can be shielded from negativity and foster an environment of joy, happiness and respect.
In recent weeks, I have been actively engaging a number of servers and their owners. I have spoken to them with respect, openness and a determination to alleviate concerns. I do not believe Guests need to know about, hear about or deal with drama in any capacity. They are not on our servers to deal with that. They are here for FUN! So, in conversing with these owners, I have been attempting to enact a peace between everyone.
I believe all the other servers wish to have the same level of Guest engagement, participation, and security we enjoy. We should all be striving for perfection and a dedication to the principles set forth by Walt Disney.
In the next year, you will see many changes in our approach to other servers and to our Guests. All of it positive.
In conclusion, whether it be our proud moment of declaration that we were inducted into the Guinness Book Of World Records, or our direct involvement in ArcadiaCon, or our assistance in helping create YouCube, or any number of our accomplishments over the years, it has NEVER been about bragging. To be honest, we didn’t even know about the Guinness thing until a Guest pointed it out, so it was about sharing the info, not rubbing it in anyone’s faces. Bragging is not our thing. (Well, we do like to brag about our Guests being amazing, but yeah). We just want to provide our valued Guests with the best possible experience, for free, and do that for many years to come. If we happen to set some records or do some awesome things, sure we will share that with the community. Who wouldn’t?
Let’s all do our part to share the accomplishments of EVERYONE in the community and create an environment of pure joy and MAGIC!
Thanks and we hope you all have a WONDERFUL holiday!
therealduckie – David Wasman
Owner and Founder of imaginears