I have been overwhelmed, in a purely positive way, by the sheer number of volunteers Imaginears Club has met (and hired) over the years. Last year, over 10,000 of you applied. If only we had the space!
This year is fast becoming bigger, busier & more fulfilling than ever! From our 300,000 party, to ArcadiaCon & so much more we will be revealing soon – this is going to be the most amazing EVER!
As we hire new Cast Members, just like the real parks we have what is called a “turn over”. This is normal. In fact, Imaginears Club is unique in that our turn-over rate is lower than Disney Park’s! That is due to our diligence, hiring practices, training, follow-ups and more. Ours is the most intensive and involved training of anyone in Minecraft – or quite possibly any Game Server in existence. The level of personal involvement varies from person to person, but most give their all to the servers to make our Guests happy and content.
Still, many of our valued CMs are still in school, working jobs and have personal lives that take up much of their time. This is a fact that we have always had a saying for: “PERSONAL LIFE COMES BEFORE Imaginears Club!”. That policy has been a part of Imaginears Club longer than anyone but me. It’s a founding principle. Never should Imaginears Club take over someone’s life so much that they forget their responsibilities. It’s important kids do their homework and adults tend to their duties in real life before they come to Imaginears Club.
Our Cast is about 100 Members strong, right now. Characters number in the 250+ range. That means, at all times, we have coverage and there will always be a Cast Member to help you!
No one who voluntarily leaves Imaginears Club ever does so permanently. They are always welcome back, if they left on good terms or stepped down/away to focus on their personal lives. We respect those who do that and encourage our Staff to take those breaks. It’s healthier that way.
Imaginears Club is also proud to have inspired so many of our Cast Members to become real Cast at many Disney Parks worldwide! In total, 6 of our former (and some current) staff are now employed by the real Disney Parks. How awesome is that? Pretty neat, huh?
So to all of you who are still here: THANK YOU! — and to all of you who have left us, albeit temporarily: MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!!!
Thanks and have a MAGICAL day!