Like Walt, Imaginears Club had very humble beginnings. We started on an old laptop using a 3G connection. Our server said we had 20 slots, but 9 Guests later and we were struggling to stay online. My, how far we’ve come. It’s very much like the many new theme park servers that sprout up each year. Right now, we count about 10 new servers in the past month– all of which waving their hands to be seen.
When Imaginears Club started (as MCDisney), there were no other servers of the kind anywhere in the world. We were the first theme park, first Disney related server & first Walt Disney World related server. We did not have competition, nor did we care if we did. (Still don’t, although it should never be viewed as competition since none of us are in an actual business.) Our only competition was regular survival servers and a few creative ones. Our version of competing with them was to simply state that we had a safe place to play, free from trolling, swearing and personal information sharing. There was never a time when we attacked them or talked bad about them to make ourselves look better. That would only hurt our image…AND DISNEY’S!!! Why would we want to do that? That’s just silly!
(I talked about a lot of this IN MARCH. In fact, I even posted about it A SECOND TIME later that same month.)
We need to be 100% clear: Imaginears Club has never and would never attack, malign, disrespect, gossip about or in any way be unprofessional towards the creation or existence of servers that emulate us. It is against the very fabric of our creation. Like Disney, nothing in Imaginears Club’s history, our tweets, our social media, or any postings, content, discussions or mumble recordings in 4 long and well-documented years has ever shown different. The evidence just doesn’t exist.
Imaginears Club is proud to have influenced so many to start their own servers. That is why we created the PARTNER PROGRAM. Those are servers (whether or not they are 100% Disney) that share our goals, views and belief in safety, security & happiness. We vouch for them because each of our partners have a proven history of positivity and Guest service.
We’re honored to have been officially associated with Disney, recently, and continue to learn from their 60+ year history of running Theme Parks. Learning from that history, we know that there is no place in this market for rumors, trolling, jealousy, trash talking, vengeance or any of the other negative emotions. It has never had a place in the Wonderful World of Disney. We should all be celebrating, playing, having fun, meeting new people, sharing ideas, and growing the family.
Disney has a simplified list of 4 keys that every Cast Member must follow. (a more in-depth list is in the image on this post) These keys should be the basis for ALL servers:
- I project a positive image and energy.
- I am courteous and respectful to all Guests, including Children.
- I stay in character and play the part.
- I go above and beyond.
Imaginears Club has a few additions. Our DOs and Don’ts for server owners:
- Don’t start a server (or run it) with a mission like “We can do it better than [insert name here]”.
- Don’t bother yourself with what everyone else is doing.
- Don’t ever bash others on social media.
- Don’t fall victim to (or spread) gossip and rumors.
- DO give the Guests something to be excited about.
- DO focus on your own server and how to constantly improve it.
- DO be a guiding light that people gravitate towards, emulating positivity.
- DO find ways to be unique, like a butterfly or snowflake, and let that one-of-a-kind beauty shine.
- DO offer your mods and admins incentives.
- DO trust, share & reflect positivity.
Follow these simple guidelines and the Guests will come.
Imaginears Club is always looking for more Partners. The field is massive, right now, and we wish them all the very best. Who knows? You could be our next Partner!